The following list of books comprise all the published books on Corkscrews.  In addition to this, there are over 1,000 articles in newspapers and magazines and numerous on-line Monographs and Articles created by corkscrew enthusiasts.   Unfortunately, some of these books are no longer available in the commercial market place, so start hunting them at book fairs, antiquary and second hand bookstores.

But, there are many books still available and it may make your job of choosing one easier if you read the Book Reports we have prepared for you.  As new books appear, there will be more of these.

Good luck, and good reading!

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A Guide to Corkscrew Collecting – Published in 1993 by Peter Coldicott.  This book is an excellent quick read for the beginner collector.  It deals with the very questions new collectors are puzzling with.  Still available – ISBN 0-9521110-0-4

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Corkscrews and Bottle Openers – Evan Perry’s Book was one of the very first publications and is into its second or third printing.  A very nice little book that all collectors will appreciate.  Shire Publications Ltd. still has them, mine says £1.50 but today that is more. Shire Album #59 – ISBN 0-85263-534-6

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Korkenzieher – Heinz ten Doornkaat’s Book is in German, unfortunately.  A nice effort that adds some appreciation to the German collecting community.  The book is not too deep technically, well illustrated, but not too useful to the English speaking collector.   Published as an Ellert & Richter Album.

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Corkscrews of the Eighteenth Century – Bertrand Giulian’s Book is arguably one of the best researched and written two or three books in corkscrew collecting.  This book covers the first generation of corkscrews, the hand made iron pieces.  A well worth acquisition for anyone.  Published by WhiteSpace Publishing, 1995, Library of Congress Catalog #94-60765 and can be ordered by Fax from the Author: (717) 737-5623 or via e-mail:

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Corkscrews for Collectors – The Watney and Babbidge is “The Bible” of corkscrew collecting.  It is in its second printing, so it is available and a collector must have one of these.  A well written and researched book, and while it has some errors, based on discoveries after the time it was published, no corkscrew collector can be without one, it is well worth your while to read.  Published by Sotheby Parke Bennet, 1981  ISBN 0 85667 113 4

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German Corkscrew Patents (Second Edition) – Ferd Peter’s Book is a collection of German corkscrew patents.  His interest in German pieces is the foundation of the work he produced here.  Copies are available from the author, click FP.

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Scandinavian Corkscrews – The Berntson and Ekman Book focuses on corkscrews and knives of Scandinavian origin.  It is the definitive book on these Nordic pieces.  Copies are available from the authors by e-mail:   Published by Tryckeriförlaget, ISBN 91-970081-7-6

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American Corkscrew Patents – In 1993, Nicholas D’Errico published a good book on American Patents from 1921-1992.  This Book has now been superseded by Fred O’Leary’s excellent book on American Patents.  Nevertheless, if you can get one, it is worth reading for the collector interested in American pieces.  Self published, Library of Congress Catalog #93-90553

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German Corkscrew Patents 1877 – 1956 –   Wolfgang Handel’s Book is an early effort on collecting German Patent information.  The good thing about this one is that the entire patent documents are included, but in German.  It is out print now and has been superseded by several new books by other German Collectors.

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Corkscrews – Fred O’Leary’s Book is THE book on American patent corkscrews.  A wonderful piece of writing backed by excellent research.  It is the complete works!  Ever since it saw the light of day, only a couple of patents have shown up that were missed.  A definite must for any serious corkscrew collector.  Has 500 photographs and a 1,000 U.S.Patents from 1851 to 1994.   Published by Schiffer in 1996, ISBN 0-7643- 0018-0.  Copies are available from the author by e-mail: FOL or from

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Deutscher Gebrauchsmusterschutz fur Korkenzieher – Klaus Pumpenmeier’s Book is in German and is the most extensive book on German patents.   Pumpenmeier is a serious researcher and knows his German corkscrews.  The book is in very limited edition, so it will be hard to get.  Filled with patent information, many colour photos and other good stuff.

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Tire Bouchons Français – This 1995, self published book by Guy Olive on French patents is also a must for those who need to know how the French were doing in this business.  An excellent research based quite complete collection of patent information from 1828 to 1974 on French corkscrews.  Out of print now.

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The Ultimate Corkscrew Book  Donald A. Bull.  What a contribution to the corkscrew scene! Don Bull had created a book that is remarkable in several dimensions: the pictures are of the highest quality; the descriptions of the pieces are very accurate and the price guide is just a little misguided (I think he pays too much).  Most importantly, the book can be used as a reference to what is out there, almost like a stamp catalogue, a must have for the corkscrew collector.  It is available from which offers a large discount.  You can also order it from the author by e-mail: DB ISBN 0-7643-0701-0

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Pocket Guide to Corkscrews – Donald Bull’s second Book is a soft cover “pocket guide” if you have large pockets.   Nicely organised and well put together.  As for his first, big book, this has prices in it also, and similarly, they are well at the high end of the scale. The book is in print and can be bought from any good bookstore as well as from which offers a large discount.  Many will not stock it but will order it for you.  You can also order it from the author by e-mail: DB Similarly published by Schiffer ISBN 0-7643-0793-2

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Cookbook for Corkscrew Collectors – edited by Monika M. Paradi, 1991, published by the Canadian Corkscrew Collectors Club.  Paperback, cerlox bound, contains about 100 recipes donated by the wives and lady friends of CCCC members.  Each recipe is accompanied by the picture of a favourite corkscrew from the member.  The book is available from the Editor by e-mail order: MMP

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The Corkscrew a Thing of Beauty  Paolo de Sanctis and Maurizio Fantoni.  This is a terrific book presenting the collections of two serious Italian collectors in 373 colour photos showing over 1,000 items.  The book’s main value is the superb pictorial presentation of many usually not seen Italian pieces.  The book is out of print.  Marzorati Editore, Italy, ISBN 88-280-0098-8, 1990. 

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La Collectione Tire-Bouchons  Paolo de Sanctis and Maurizio Fantoni.  They created this second book in 1993 as part of a coffee table set for Bompiani, the publisher.  The contents are essentially the same as those of their first effort.  Beautiful colour pictures, not much text but is a picture album of many rare and not-so-rare pieces.  Out of print, but a few copies are available from an Italian source, just e-mail for arrangements:

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French Corkscrew Patents  Joseph C. Paradi, self published, 1988.   This is the first collection of French corkscrew patents and contain about 100 patents.  A later book by Guy Olive has substantially expanded the list.  The book consists of patent illustrations only taken from the actual patent papers.  The book is available from the author by e-mail order: through this website’s FEEDBACK function (I am the Webmaster).

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British Corkscrew Patents from 1795  Fletcher Wallis.  This comprehensive work on corkscrew patents covers the first 150 years of invention from Henshall’s 1795 patent for an improved simple corkscrew.   Photographs of prime examples of these patents come from private collections world-wide and from Christie’s auction sales.   Full patent specifications for 94 major corkscrew patents. Patent abridgements for 236 corkscrews, combination tools and cork extractors and information on all known patent variants of corkscrews.  The book is available from Ron MacLean in North America RM

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600 Tire-Bouchons de Collection – the Watney and Babbidge book in French.  Contains the same material as the English one but the text is in French.  This is also in its second printing, the original ISBN 2-88001-158-2

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Korkenzieher – Mannfred Heckmann’s book was one of the very early efforts in writing a book about corkscrews.  He is/was (he sold his collection in 1998 at a Christie’s auction) a corkscrew dealer in Berlin, the book is in German, unfortunately.  Not a well researched book and is useful only as a historical piece in the quest for corkscrew information.  He did add a nice touch by including a small T type corkscrew on a string as a book mark.  Out of print, but some copies are still available from the author.   Fasanen Edition, 1979, Drydens Printers Ltd., London

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Het Wijn Leesboek – This is actually a book on wines, written by Hubrech Duijiker.  But Ferd Peters supplied the corkscrews which are pictured all through the book.  The book is in Dutch and was published in 1992.   ISBN 90 714 4246 2.  I doubt that it is still in print, but you may be able to inquire from Ferd by e-mail: FP

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Musée le Secq des Tournelles – This neat little booklet is available at the Museum in Lyon, France.  This place is dedicated to displaying old steel artefacts, including many outstanding old corkscrews.  Well worth a visit.  The piece is produced by: Société d’Éditions Régionales, 26, rue Duvivier 75007 Paris, France.  ISBN 2-907701-27-4

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I Cavatappi – This small book is one of a set of 22 volumes on different collectibles, published by BE-MA Editrice in 1988.  It is in Italian and the two authors are Paolo de Sanctis and Maurizio Fantoni.  Out of print, ISBN 88-7143-059-X

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Tavern Treasures – Not a corkscrew book, per se, but has about a dozen pages on corkscrews.  Published in 1983 by Charles E. Tresise in England and deals with English Pub collectibles.  ISBN 0 7137 1192 2. 

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Korkenzieher – This corkscrew book was written by Horst Dippel but the corkscrew illustrations are from Heinz ten Doornkaat’s collection.  The book is in German and is a small pocket book format.  Appeared in 1997, ISBN 3-89234-764-6.   Probably still available.

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The Book on Wine Antiques – Another book which just has a chapter on corkscrews, but Chapter five is about 20 pages of excellent pictures and text on corkscrews.  The book was published in 1986 by the Antique Collectors Club ISBN 1 85149 022 1

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Canadian Corkscrew Patents – One of the earliest compendia of corkscrew patents from a Country, Ron MacLean‘s Canadian Corkscrew Patents.  The book contains copies of Canadian patent abstracts of cork extractors and related items.   There are 94 patents; 23 by Canadians, 63 by Americans, 3 by Englishmen and one each by inventors from Austria, German, Norway and Australia.  It was published in 1985 by the author and he received ISBN 0-9692360-0-X.  Purchase from the author directly: RM.

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Mechanical Corkscrews – Ferd Peters, the best of all books for mechanical corkscrews.  This new book is one of the top books in corkscrew collecting.  Ferd Peters had outdone himself with the help of many of his friends who provided pictures of their great mechanical corkscrews.  This gave the author the opportunity to present a dazzling array of material which could easily meet the most demanding corkscrew collector’s needs – ISBN 90 805058 1 1.  Purchase from the author directly: FP

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Just for Openers – Don Bull.  This is also the name of a beer cap opener collectors group.  This one is about cap lifters and beer openers, but has some corkscrews in it as long as they have a beer advertisement on them.  Available from the author DB or a bookstore.

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Les Fabriques Français de Tire-Bouchon (French Corkscrew Manufacturers) 1820 – 1970 – Gérard Bidault, March 2000.  Although the book is written in French, the material in it is absolutely fantastic – well worth the time with a dictionary in hand.  This is the definitive book on French corkscrews and for the first time clears up a great deal of the confusion about who made what and which markings represent which manufacturer.  This is a must have book – published by the author and can be ordered only directly from him:   GB

La folie des TIRE-BOUCHONS – One of a new series of pocket size books (5.5 ” x 5.5″ or 14 cm x 14 cm) published in French by FLAMMARION, a French publisher.  This book is by Frédéric Crestin-Billet.  He classified the corkscrews as: Pocket, Simple, Mechanical, Levers, Multifunction and Figurals.  There is very little new in this, lots of pictures, one per page usually and has 381 pages.  Can be purchased from the publisher.  The best bet is to search by its ISBN: 2-0820-1071-6 in your favourite on-line book seller.   It seems to be available in Canada from:

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La folie des COUTEAUX DE POCHE  Another book in the Flammarion series on collectibles.  This one is by Dominique Pascal, contains some interesting history of knife making and some corkscrew equipped knives.  Mostly, it is a pocket knife book.  The best bet is to search by its ISBN: 2-0820-1072-4 in your favourite on-line book seller.  It seems to be available in Canada from

Boxes Full of Corkscrews  Don Bull.  This has boxed corkscrews as the theme, includes both new and old corkscrews with their boxes.  It is available from the author:  DB

Collectible Corkscrews – A translation of the French version into English.  Pocket size book (5.5 ” x 5.5″ or 14 cm x 14 cm) by FLAMMARION, written by Frédéric Crestin-Billet.  He classified the corkscrews as: Pocket, Simple, Mechanical, Levers, Combination and Figurals.  There is very little new in this, lots of pictures, one per page usually and has 381 pages.  The best bet is to search on-line by its ISBN: 2-0820-551-5 in your favourite on-line book seller.   It is available on for about $12.00 USD.

For Openers – An early corkscrew publication, long out of print.  The book was printed for the Exhibition held at the Connecticut Historical Society on October 10, 1981.  The book contains a good selection of American corkscrews mainly from the inventors who lived and worked in the Connecticut area.  It is a rare item now and only available on the second hand market.

British Corkscrew Patents – Aearly assembly of patent drawings and some text of British corkscrew patents from 1855 to 1930.  Out of print for many years now, only second hand copies may be available in antique shops.

Guide to American Corkscrew Patents, Volume 1 1860-1895 The first book on American patents, contains only the patent drawings which inventors provided with their patent applications.  Copies might still be available by writing to:
Mr. Paul Shaub
P.O. Box 12, 49 East Second Street
New Castle, Delaware, 19720

Guide to American Corkscrew Patents, Volume 2 1896-1920 The second book on American patents, contains only the patent drawings which inventors provided with their patent applications.  Copies may still be available by writing to:
Mr. Paul Shaub
P.O. Box 12, 49 East Second Street
New Castle, Delaware, 19720

Compendium of Bar Corkscrews  An outstanding study of barscrews.  Wayne Meadows invested an enormous amount of time to write the definitive record of Bar Corkscrews – it is a must for the avid corkscrew collector.  Published by Kitsilano Cellars ISBN 0-9689294-0-0. Available from the author: WEM

Les Tire-Bouchons du Musée le secq des Tournelles – Booklet prepared by G. Olive, G. Bidault and the late Phillippe Songy in conjunction with the Museum for the 1999 CCCC AGM in Saumur, France.  Part of a 15,000 piece collection of ancient ironwork permanently housed in the 16th century church of Saint-Laurent in Rouen, France.  Very few of these priceless corkscrews are normally displayed – so this memento is in itself quite rare.

Swiss Corkscrew Patents – A booklet by Hajo Türler.  This neat collections of Swiss patent diagrams also has in it a number of colour pictures of corkscrews depicted in the patents.  There are 85 corkscrew patents here and Hajo says that on a per capitabasis, there are more corkscrew Patents in Switzerland than in any other Country.  The book is available from the author via e-mail and post: HJT.

Österreichische Korkenzieherpatente 1882-1980 – This is a compendium of Austrian corkscrew patents. Peter Hoeffer also looked up the cross references for these patents if filed in other Countries. Available from the author – PH.

German Corkscrew Patents (D.R.P) 1877-2000 –  Ferd Petersbook on German Patents is the most thoroughly researched and complete book on the subject.  Between this book and the book on D.R.G.M., not much unknown material exists on German corkscrews.  It is available from the author FP

German Corkscrew Registrations (D.R.G.M) 1891-2000 – Ferd Peters completed the German corkscrew books with this one.  The reader can now determine what was patented and which ones were registered which were patented. Great illustrations and lots of pictures.  It is available from the author FP

Centenary Catalogue 1898 by Farrow & Jackson – a 1997 reprint of the catalogue published in 1898.  A very useful little book all about wine related items sold by F&J.  There are several pages on corkscrews, barscrews, champagne/soda taps and cork tools.  Its is ISBN number is: 0-903685-58-2 – available on

Book on Pronged Cork Removers authored by Reinhold Berndt, Engelsbach, Germany.  The 18 pages have colour photos of pronged cork removers.  The book may be available as a loose leaf effort from the author RB

Farrow and Jackson products – Assembled from the archives of the London Patent Office for the 1999 CCCC Annual Meeting held in London, England.  There are 18 pages of catalogue pictures, advertisements and price sheets.  Out of print.

Commemorative Book for the 1990 ICCA AGM, Zurich – Partlywritten in German and was available at the exhibition which actually lasted from August 31 to October 28, 1990.  Out of print.

Pronged Cork Removers  Book in German by Reinhold Berndt.  In this he substantially expanded the coverage on pronged cork removers. Almost 160 pages of colour photos and hundreds of pieces.  Available form the author RB

Corkscrews & Wine Antiques  Written by Phil Ellis and corkscrew information by Sally Lloyd and Christopher Sykes.  Some 24 pages of its 64 are dedicated to corkscrews and the rest to other wine related artefacts.  Available from Christopher Sykes Antiques.

Brevets de Tire-Bouchons Français Trouvés au Danemark – French Corkscrew Patents Found in Denmark – Assembled by Anne-Lise Køhler.  Very interesting in that there are over 60 French patents that are not in any other book, so it is a must for those truly interested in French corkscrews.  The book is available from the author ALK


Chronik der Korkenzieherproduktion von 1864 bis 2003 – A history of the SIEGER company’s corkscrew production from 1864 to 2003.  Colour used well throughout, written in German.  Available from the author.


A Guide to Gimlets – An excellent book that deals with all aspects of gimlets.  A gimlet is an ancient tool that corkscrew collectors find when looking for corkscrews – it is a cousin, you might say.  Bob did an outstanding job and the book is well worth having!  It is available from the author, Bob Roger here.

The life of William Rockwell Clough – Clough was an inventor extraordinaire and a manufacturer of over a Billion corkscrews in his lifetime -yes a Billion!  The book is available as an on-line book at: WEBPAGE

Corkscrew Patents of Japan – A compendium of patent drawings from the Japanese Patent Office.  Many never before seen items here.  The book is available from the author, Don Bull 

William Rockwell Clough – His life story is in this book co-authored by Ron MacLean and Bob Nugent.  This is the printed version of the on-line book of the same title.  Copies are available from Don Bull

Scandinavian Corkscrew Patents – The work of three Scandinavians: Anne-Lise Køhler (Denmark), Per Ekman (Sweden) and Helgir Solheim (Norway).  Has some interesting corkscrew pictures along with the patent information.  The book is available from Anne-Lise.

Corkscrew Stories Volume 1 – by Don Bull.  This is a compendium of corkscrew stories he published on-line on a daily basis.  While not all the content was included from the Web version: “The Daily Screw” the best ones were.  
Copies are available from Don Bull

Corkscrew Stories Volume 2 – by Don Bull.  This is the rest of the compendium of corkscrew stories he from the Web publication: “The Daily Screw”. Curl up with this one when you need a shot of “corkscrewing”.  
Copies are available from Don Bull

The Art of Wine – A book about wine, but has a significant number of excellent corkscrews in it.  The book is a coffee table book and is available at the bookstores, ISBN 0-7624-1106-6

Cork Ejectors – An Alternative to the Corkscrew – by Don Bull.  This is a fascinating book on a version of cork remover that does not have a “screw”.  The motive power to eject the cork is gas (air or Carbon Dioxide).  Lot of good material here, well worth the read!  Copies are available from Don Bull

The Perfect Extractor – by Don Bull.  This prolific author wrote a nice little book on a specific type of corkscrew that we had all seen and most of us used.  The double action corkscrew is typically made of wood.  A worthy read and gift to anyone who needs to know about the “perfect” corkscrew.  Copies are available from Don Bull

L’Art dei Cavatappi – by Ottilia Munaretti Bertazzo.  This book is in three languages, Italian, English and French so everyone can enjoy it.  Lots of good pictures of good corkscrews from Piero Giacomini’s collection (now a museum).  Available from the Museum (Fondazione Giacomini Meo) E-Mail

History of Pocket Corkscrews and Pocketknives – by Ferd Peters and Bert Giulian.  A monumental effort went into the research and production of this book – 3 years of effort!  Almost 300 pages of material with hundreds of excellent photos make this book a “must have”.  It is available from Ferd Peters

Knivar från Eskilstuna – by Arne Marmér.  While this book is about pocket and other knives made in Sweden (Eskilstuna) there are lots of pocket knives with corkscrews, so the book is an excellent tool to identify your pieces of this type.  You can try to get it from Sweden (that is where I got mine) ISBN 91-630-8176-8  

Korkenzieher – The German version of the classic Watney & Babbidge “Corkscrews for Collectors” book, titled: “Korkenzieher”is extremely rare (I have never even seen one). Benteli Verlag,Bern1986  ISBN 3-7165-0544-7

Tire Bouchons, Casse-Noix, Porte-Chapeau – A Perille Catalogue in French.  Have never seen it, just in picture.

A Price Guide to Beer Advertising Openers and Corkscrews– by Don Bull.  This is an old price guide and out of print but maybe available from the author at: Don Bull

Anri Wood Carvings – by Philly Rains and Donald Bull.  This book presents vintage, often whimsical, and one-of-a-kind wooden figurine carvings by ANRI, the world-renowned company founded in 1912 in the Dolomite Mountains of northern Italy.  Available from Don Bull

Beer Advertising – by Don Bull.  Book on beer stuff mostly but has some corkscrews in it as well.  Available from the author: Don Bull

Soda Advertising Openers – by Don Bull.  This book also has some corkscrews with ads on them.  Available from the author: Don Bull

Hungarian Corkscrew Patents & Registered Designs – by Joe Paradi.  This booklet has the known Patents and RDs from Hungary – a Country not known for a lot of corkscrews – a useful addition to your library.  Available from Joe Paradi.

French Corkscrew Patents (Les Brevets de Tire-Bouchons Français) – by Gérard Bidault.  Another excellent book by this author, a comprehensive collection of French Patents, descriptions and pictures.  A must for a serious collector – unfortunately, only in French.  Order from the author: GB

Corkscrews: British Registered Designs – by Frank and Barbara Ellis.  An exceptionally informative work by this very creative husband and wife team.  It is surprising how many RDs the British turned out and the book covers the whole scene from history to technical details.  Order the book from the authors: F&BEllis

Figural Corkscrews – by Don Bull.  A great hardcover book on figurals showing a very large assortment of some wonderful figural corkscrews.  Order from the author Don Bull

Corkscrews by Frank and Barbara Ellis, a Crowood Collectors Series book.  Hard cover book for the beginning and intermediate collector – lot of good advice for everyone.  Oder from the author: Barbara Ellis

Les Figuratifs – by Jean-Louis Desor, the first of a series of French corkscrew books.  This is a small format soft covered book.  Order from the author: J-L Desor

Korkenzieher in Thüringer Handelskatalogen – by Reinhold Berndt.  This is a very nice collection of German catalogues with lots of corkscrews.  Soft cover and can be ordered from the author: R. Berndt

DREKO Drehteile und Korkzieher – by Heinz Hohn.  As complete a book as possible on the East German manufacturer DREKO that had made and sold a large variety of corkscrews.

Korken Zieher – by Watney and Babbidge, the very rare German Version of the first comprehensive book on corkscrews.  Translated from the English version, it is long ago out of print and basically unavailable – try antique book sellers on-line.

Champagne Antiques – by Brian Beet & Jeanette Hayhurst.  A small booklet that was prepared as a catalogue for an exhibition in November, 1985.  Not available  – try antique book sellers on-line.

Les Tire-Bouchons Français – by Gérard Bidault, written in Fench, a comprehensive assembly of French Corkscrews. Hard cover, available from the author: GB

Cavatappi D’Epoca – by the Chamber of Commerce of Brescia, Italy.  A catalog of corkscrews in the Piero Giacomini private museum.  Published in 1989, long ago out of print.

The Handbook of Beer Advertising Openers and Corkscrews – by Ed Kaye and Don Bull, published in 1984 and long ago out of print.

Les Tire-Bouchons Extensibles – by Jacques Lapierre and Hans J. Türler.  This book, in soft cover, was published in 2010 and is available from the authors: JL or HT

The Great British Wine Accessories – by Robin Butler.  A good section on corkscrews is included.  Available from its won website:

Cookbook for Corkscrew Collectors Volume II – by Monika M. Paradi.  The Second volume of this delightful compendium of great recipes accompanied by great corkscrews. Gathered from the many members of all the corkscrew clubs in the world.  Available from the author – click here MMP.

Corkscrews – by Don Bull. This CD contains 12 books in full colour and 2,017 pages of great corkscrew material – there is a lot of reading here for the avid helixophile. To order, click here DAB

Cavar…turaccioli – by the members of the Italian Corkscrew Collectors Club – AICC to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Club.  Limited edition of 300 copies only.

Champagne Collectibes – by Donald A. Bull and Joseph C. Paradi, two well known corkscrew collectors and book authors.  Published in 2011, a hardcover book in an oversize format (9″ x 12″).  There are over 1900 items and over 1200 colour pictures on 339 pages.  It includes a value guide also.  More than a 100 people and companies contributed pictures and stroies to this significant book.  Available from Don Bull – click here DAB or Joe Paradi (Canada only) – click here JCP.

Brass Figural Handle Toasting Forks and Corkscrewsg Forks and Corkscrews– by John A. Cornell.  This is a softcover self-published book 0f 140 pages on British brass “flatbacks” or “brassies”.  These items were manufactured from the early part of the 20th Century in England.  Most were sold as souvenirs but there were many other items: ashtrays, door knockers, cap lifters, bar sets, shoe horns, button hooks and table bells.

Contemporary Corkscrews – by Ferd Peters.  This small soft covered and self published booklet of 160 pages shows a good seelction of modern corkscrews.  Available from the author – click here GET IT.

German Corkscrews Protected by Law; Patents and Registered Designs (Update); Design Patents and Trademarks – by Ferd Peters.  This soft covered and self published book of over 200 pages updates his earlier books on German corkscrews.  Available from the author – click here GET IT.